Friday, November 25, 2011

First Post on the Lovesick Diet Thread

 In 2006 when I was starting to figure out how to come out of the closet, I found a web site - The Ultimate Brokeback Mountain Forum. I made wonderful friends there from all over the world. In addition to everything that was happening in my life, I was very unhappy at my weight. I was at 276 lbs. then. So, in order to help lose that weight, I enlisted all of my friends to join me on a special diet thread, The Lovesick Diet thread, on our Forum. Here is my first post:

Hi! All:

I been wanting to start a Brokeback Mountain 'Lovesick' Diet thread for some time.  Some background on my story:  When I first saw Brokeback Mountain is was in late January or early February in 20 minute snatches, late at night after everyone was in bed, on my computer using a pirated downloaded copy...I know, I shouldn't have done it, but....

Then I discovered the Brokeaholics site and my life began to change dramatically.  I found this group of people who loved me just because I came to the Forum...non-judgmental...truly accepting for the first time in my life.  I began posting my sad story of a Brokeback Marriage, and began exploring what it might mean to acknowledge that I am a gay man.  Whew!  That was like birthing an elephant!  Lots of screaming and yelling and grunting...and there I was, this big fat GAY man, weighing in at 276 lbs.

At the same time, I found all of a sudden that I was lovesick...and the best I can explain it is that since I am the same age as the characters in Brokeback Mountain, I was just lovesick for love...the kind they had...the kind I could have had...the kind I CAN have...the kind we all want...oh! the emotions just went through all the extremes.  I was in love with Ennis.  I was in love with Jack.  I was in love with the soundtrack and played it constantly.  I was in love with the scenery.  I was just sick with LOVE!

Then something started to happen.  I began to break out of the old thinking, and start saying to myself, God loves you as you are, I love you as you are, I'm okay.  Soon I began to think differently and decided that I needed to be more attractive in order to attract the kind of people I want to now surround my life with.  So, I got serious about exercise and diet and now, three months later, I've lost 51 lbs..

I'd like to start a thread here where those of us who want to cast off those extra pounds can talk about how we're doing it.  I've dieted for the past 30 years and know all the things I should do.  However, it took the motivation I found here ... to be a better person ... to be someone others might be more comfortable around ... but mostly, to become healthier and happier and make life work better.

What do you say?  Can we swap stories about how we're doing it, and encourage others to do the same?  It's all mental, ya know.

At the same time, if you are completely satisfied with who you are at this point in life, then more power to you, big or little.  I don't want to offend anyone, but if I can be of any assistance to anyone in losing weight or becoming more fit, I'm here for you.  And, by the same token, I hope to continue to learn from you on what you do when the going gets tough.

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